5 Part Dosing Formula

Reef Metabolics

Our special formula has been condensed into 5 bottles and is a complete dosing set covering Coral Building, Coral Nutrition and Algae Management. Firstly our 3 Part Coral Building formula – Reef KH Buffer+, Reef Calcium+, Reef Magnesium+. This has been an integral part of the bluetang method for many years and is tried and tested. Now with added bluetang reef metabolics trace elements it’s the best our method has ever been. Part 4 is our supercharged Coral Nutrition bottle UltraPolyp AV+ that will also actively help defend your coral from acropora eating flatworm (AEFW), and Part 5 is our Nutrient management bottle Reef Bioload, both available separately.

Parts 1,2,3
View Bottles
Parts 4 & 5
View Bottles

Say hello to Reef Metabolics Dosing

We are proud of our dosing range! All proudly made and developed at bluetang in the UK.


Years Development




Made in the UK

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Coral Building

Our easy to use formula, starts with our equal dosage bottles 1, 2, 3

Ensure your reef parameters are balanced before dosing. We recommend testing and adjusting each parameter to ideal levels first using our Mix Your Own Reef Powders.


Test your reef parameters before starting Reef Metabolics


Ensure your reef has balanced parameters before starting dosing. Water changes can help with this.


Start dosing Reef Metabolics Reef KH Buffer+, Reef Calcium+, Reef Magnesium+

UltraPolyp AV+

If your reef contains coral, start dosing UltraPolyp AV+. Coral Nutrition and Health supercharged.

Reef Bioload

Reef Nutrient management is important, dose Reef Bioload to ensure desirable nitrate levels.


Sit back and watch your healthy reef flourish!

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